Workshops l 工作坊
Materials l 物料
We would like to have thought exchange with people from all walks of life, and explore various materials with them.
Handmade Incense l 手工香及倒流香
You can get to know how traditional incense is made. You can also create your own DIY unique incense!
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦體驗班,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own DIY Incense.
Rope Incense l 尼泊爾繩香.體驗
You can get to know how Rope Incense is made. You can also create your own Rope Incense!
學員會學習如何把原材料調和放在 Lokta Paper 上,然後搓成繩狀。有別於一般香品需要晾乾後才能使用,繩香的好處做於能做到即製即點。
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own Japanese-style Incense.
Incense Stick l 線香.體驗
You can get to know how Incense Stick is made. You can also create your own Incense Stick!
秋意漸濃,何不燃起一縷輕煙,紓解鬱火。 okapi studio 將簡介各種適合在秋天燃點的原材料,並教授學員以檀香、崖柏、藿香等原材料製作獨一無二的「秋香」。從中體驗如何搓揉香團,擠壓線香及排香、切香的樂趣。
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦體驗班,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own Japanese-style Incense.
Japanese-style Incense l 日式印香及空薰體驗
You can get to know how Japanese-style Incense is made. You can also create your own Japanese-style Incense!
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦體驗班,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own Japanese-style Incense.
DIY Mosquito Repelling Incense l 天然蚊香及驅蚊包
You can get to know how mosquito repelling incense is made. You can also create your own unique mosquito repelling incense!
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦體驗班,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own DIY Incense.
Nepali Style Tibetan Incense l 尼泊爾藏香・初體驗
You can get to know how Tibetan Incense is made. You can also create your own unique Tibetan Incense!
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own Incense.
More Than A Lamp l 不止一盞燈
你有否試過自己動手自由組合一盞木製燈具,甚至親自染上你鐘意既顏色或者畫上你心儀既圖案? 我們特別為你凖備左"不止一盞燈"工作坊,在完成基本既拼合工序後,只要換上相應既組件,就可以在座枱燈、床頭燈或吊燈型態之間自由切換。送禮或自用都一樣合適!
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦工作坊,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own lamp.
Galvanized Iron Wooden Box l 鋅鐵木盒
okapi studio嘗試利用鋅鐵片重現舊香港的場景,如公共屋村的鐵閘或是上演神功戲的大戲棚,這些極具辨識度的圖案不止是懷舊的圖騰,更是不少人真真切切的童年回憶。學員可預先選擇圖案,於活動當天學習如何打磨木盒,並能親自為其染上喜愛的顏色或畫上心儀的圖案。鋅鐵木盒完成品可作飾物盒或盆栽盒之用途。
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦工作坊,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own wooden box.
Wooden Plant Stand l 木製電話盆栽座
導師會教導大家如何打磨木座,學員更能親自為其染上喜愛的顏色或畫上心儀的圖案。 木座完成品可作電話座及盆栽盒之用途。學員可選擇由導師預先準備的植物作移植,或選擇其他具特別花語的種籽。
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦工作坊,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own wooden plant stand.
Animal Doll l 動物娃娃
You can get to know how animal doll is made. You can also create your own animal doll!
想為單調的空間增添玩味? 找不到心水裝飾品? "白熊製作中"的導師將於okapi studio舉辦動物娃娃工作坊,教授學員繪畫和上色技巧,設計出獨一無二的作品。一個娃娃,內藏不一樣的故事!
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦工作坊,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own animal doll.
Recycled Paper l 再造花紙 / 種子再造紙
Various types of plants and raw food materials would be provided in this workshop. You can make your own paper pulp and create recycled paper with unique patterns.
Course Information I 課程資料 (點撃下載)
*如有興趣合作舉辦體驗班,歡迎 致電 / Whatsapp 5536 0004 或 電郵 查詢
The price is inclusive of all necessary materials and tools for making your own recycle paper.